Unendo TG


Unendo TG from Sir Governmental:
Dear -redacted-,
Sorry to bother you, but it is my duty to reach out to you regarding Jamie Anumia.
As you can soon notice, the nation - Jamie Anumia - has been gaining an exorbitant amount of endorsements. In order to maintain the security of the North Pacific and to keep Jamie Anumia on the right side of our regional laws, please lend your assistance and withdraw your endorsement from Jamie Anumia.
Thank you for your time and for helping out!
I hope you have had a wonderful March, and leave you with this quote as we say goodbye to our third month of the year...
It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade
~Charles Dickens, Great Expectations
May your April bring only better things...
2/10, would not read again.

At least it's not a very good one, because another OMGG incident would not be fun.
Does this guy realize he could be brought up on charges and eventually tried in court at some unspecified time in the future TBD??????
No comments about how Jamie is a raider etcetc? How boring.

I would say JAL but that's below even his standards.
Jaime is a raider? Jal is who?
I am Jal. I've couped this region once or twice, and allegedly have run numerous unendorsement campaigns against various delegates throughout the past few years. Hence why my name is mentioned.

I would note that I've never been convicted of anything, and if anything I should sue TNP for the emotional trauma brought on by their frivolous suits against me.
lol. Welcome to the club, Jamie.

I've never been one to scream "Frak" whenever an unendo campaign occurs, but this is pretty clearly his handiwork, or at least the work of someone trying to mimic him for the sake of deception. The Fools Delegacy's syntax, vocabulary (i.e. "fools," "playbook,"), political stance, and trademark inability to cause much damage mirrors Frak well. His motto is also written in the style of Anur: try comparing his motto to Frak the Third's, AS22's, Anur-Sanur's, or the nations' that he had in Osiris during its coup.
There seems to be increased subversive activity across the feeders lately. Nothing worth worrying about, the attempts are usually poorly executed and laughable at best. Still, there must be a middle-school on spring break.
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