I would like to request a court ruling on the following bolded sections;
Do these clauses make the Regional Assembly able to vote a member into the SC without an application to the Security Council?
Yes/No, explanation please?
If the above is no, do these clauses make the Regional Assembly able to vote a reject application into the Security Council?
Yes/No, explanation please?
I would also have to request that Justice Blue Wolf sit out of this ruling, due to a conflict of interest.
1. Any person who is a member of the Regional Assembly and meets any endorsement and influence requirements determined by law may apply to become a member of the Security Council.
2. The Regional Assembly may exempt a person from Regional Assembly membership or any requirements by a two-thirds majority vote, and may terminate an exemption by a two-thirds majority vote.
3. The Security Council may approve applicants by a majority vote. The Regional Assembly may admit an approved applicant by a majority vote. If the Security Council does not approve an applicant or does not act on them within thirty days, the Regional Assembly may admit the applicant by a two-thirds majority vote.
4. The Security Council will monitor the region’s security and report on it to the public, and enforce decisions of the Regional Assembly to remove the Delegate.
5. The Regional Assembly may establish a line of succession beyond the Vice Delegate among the members of the Security Council by a majority vote. If a new member is admitted to the Security Council, they will be added at the end of the current line of succession. If a member is removed from the Security Council, they will be removed from the line of succession.
Do these clauses make the Regional Assembly able to vote a member into the SC without an application to the Security Council?
Yes/No, explanation please?
If the above is no, do these clauses make the Regional Assembly able to vote a reject application into the Security Council?
Yes/No, explanation please?
I would also have to request that Justice Blue Wolf sit out of this ruling, due to a conflict of interest.