Guide to the RA Forums

RA Forum Guide
Sometimes our forum structure can be confusing! New Regional Assemblymen might have trouble finding their way around. The following is a list of each forum area related to the Regional Assembly and a description of what can/should be posted there. Study this list and you too can be a savvy assemblyman that always knows the right place to post! :jack:
  • Regional Assembly - This is the main lobby of the Regional Assembly and contains various important policies and announcements from the office of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker. It is the place to discuss and propose ideas and changes to the region's laws. Only Regional Assembly members can post here. It has five subforums:
    • The Laws - This is simply a redirect to the laws of the region. This includes the Bill of Rights, Constitution, Legal Code, Regional Assembly Procedures, and any Treaties.
    • Membership Rolls - Another redirect forum; this one leads to the current list of the members of the Regional Assembly.
    • Private Halls - For discussion of issues related to regional security. Discussions here can only be seen by members of the Regional Assembly.
    • Voting Floor - This is where all voting will happen - the current votes will be pinned at the top of the forum. There will be no debates or discussions in here; that's for the Meeting Chambers.
    • Citizens' Lobby - This is the place for non-RA members to petition the RA, or comment on RA business. It is the only area of this forum in which non-RA members are permitted to post. (See the FAQ.)
I have edited this post to reflect changes in the forum structure since it was originally posted. Hooray! It will remain open for comments or questions about the forum structure.
I've updated the OP to include a guide to RA procedure for writing proposals and moving them to vote. Even older members of the RA may wish to read, as the procedure changed today.
I decided to split out the procedure guide into its own thread ("How a Bill Becomes a Law") and archive this one, as the forum structure is pretty self-explanatory now.