Results: September General Elections



Eluvatar = 23 votes
King Durk = 1 vote
Romanoffia = 4 votes
Abstain = 5 votes
Invalid = 1 vote (Haor Chall "None of the above")

Vice Delegate:

Tim = 19 votes
peoples empire = 5 votes
Abstain = 8 votes
Invalid = 2 votes (Haor Chall "None of the above" and Tim voted for Finn)


Kingborough = 15
Govindia = 7
Kiwi = 7
Abstain = 5

There were 4 invalid ballots (3 - Chasmanthe, madjack, and Unibot had incorrect WA nations listed; Mall was ineligible to vote in this election.)
There was one ballot by PM.
Uhm, my WA was correct at the time of my vote.
Uhm, my WA was correct at the time of my vote.
It has to be correct at the time of the vote counting. I had to change my WA on the ballot six times during the voting time.

Also, congratulations to everyone!

@Haor Chall
Only one incumbent remains in that seat, and partially because their most competent competition had to pull out of the election.
I want to say that the constant changing of WA's is not helpful for NPA members. Chasmanthe has done several missions during the election, hence his vote being rendered invalid.
I want to say that the constant changing of WA's is not helpful for NPA members. Chasmanthe has done several missions during the election, hence his vote being rendered invalid.
Whilst I appreciate your support in this matter, I was aware of the requirement and I had the opportunity to switch my main WA nation back, and I would have done that last night but I was struck down with RL sickness.

Thanks McMasterdonia, but I would not like to use my NPA service as an excuse for voter incompetence ;-)

I'm feeling much better today.
I want to say that the constant changing of WA's is not helpful for NPA members. Chasmanthe has done several missions during the election, hence his vote being rendered invalid.
Whilst I appreciate your support in this matter, I was aware of the requirement and I had the opportunity to switch my main WA nation back, and I would have done that last night but I was struck down with RL sickness.

Thanks McMasterdonia, but I would not like to use my NPA service as an excuse for voter incompetence ;-)

I'm feeling much better today.
I would agree. However we have the switcher form for these sort of situations.
@Haor Chall
Only one incumbent remains in that seat, and partially because their most competent competition had to pull out of the election.
Correct on both points, though of course on the first point only one incumbent was running for re-election anyway.

I was just impressed with how large a curbstomp it was - considering that the Delegate didn't bother to campaign or even release a platform or provide any kind of direction for the region. Not sure what mandate that means the Delegate has for the term ahead but we'll see what happens I suppose.
I listed classified for my WA nation. I figure that anyone else in NPA service should be able to do the same? Classified meaning confer with the delegate or MoD if you need to know more.
Being a member of the NPA should preclude you from undue hassle and annoyance during elections. Your WA is constantly on the move and your vote should not be invalidated because of this.
Since there is a provision for a registrar for WA nation in the new Legal Code, shouldn't NPA members be using that device, or is a similar device needed but placed with the NPA leadership for recordkeeping purposes?

Either way, whichever system is used ought to be able to confirm to the Election Commissioner(s) who have kept their WA nation for TNP purposes up to date.
I disagree Blue_Wolf, I don't think being in the NPA should mean a person is unable to follow procedure.

For clarity, if the election commission can confirm what I ought to have actually stated on my ballot for it to be valid?

I had filled out a switcher form but if there was a further step of declaration to the registrar that I did not do, I am happy to hold my hands up and admit that. If, on the other hand, my switcher declarations were complete, then I should have stated 'classified' on my ballot and not my main WA nation - and failure to do so would still be grounds for counting it invalid.
For clarity, if the election commission can confirm what I ought to have actually stated on my ballot for it to be valid?

I had filled out a switcher form but if there was a further step of declaration to the registrar that I did not to, I am happy to hold my hands up and admit that. If, on the other hand, my switcher declarations were complete, then I should have stated 'classified' on my ballot and not my main WA nation - and failure to do so would still be grounds for counting it invalid.
Putting "classified" down would have been the best bet. Then PM your WA nation to the Speaker of the RA. There are provisions in place to ensure that your WA nation remains classified (Legal Code Section 6.2.) This would protect your nation's anonymity.

I have to admit that I'd forgotten about the switcher form in which case a follow-up with the MoD or Delegate on my part would have sufficed if you'd listed your nation as classified. The ptoblem with that though is the possible lack of a timely response if neither of them are around. Another problem would be getting the Delegate and MoD appointed registrars for the NPA. This last is what I should have done to protect your ballot, but it didn't occur to me at the time.

I hope that answers your question. The first option listed above would have been the simplest, but to avoid this happening again I'll contact the Delegate and MoD about becoming registrars for the NPA.
I listed my WA as classified and no one complained to me nor was my vote invalidated.

I'm pretty sure my WA is in my switchers list if anyone had wanted to check though.

Could someone clarify to me why it's so important that our WA be listed for the purposes of an election? I would have thought the only relevant factor was being a member of the RA and having a nation in TNP.
It's to help reduce the risk of one person voting multiple times, primarily, in a manner that doesn't rely entirely on forum administration, would be my best guess as to why it was originally asked for.
But since checks against multi-ing are carried out at the time of RA application, this risk is small.

It may occasionally happen that someone slips through the net and manages to get control of two RA accounts. But I would doubt it happens often enough to skew an election result.

I keep a puppet in TNP at all times (TNP RA NATION) to qualify as a redident. My WA nation is all over the shop, and may switch from time to time. I would hate to lose my vote because of that. I seldom remember to update the speaker every time I switch.
Well that's a logical reason Elu but it seems silly that some people lost their votes because of it. :( Oh well.