Abbey Anumia for TNP Attorney General!
I have decided that I am going to run for Attorney General, as I feel that I am well qualified to have the position. I would like to add common sense to the current handling of cases when they are brought to the Attorney General's office, but also while remaining conscious of the fact that the Attorney General is not Judge or a Justice. I believe that as a region, we should have a debate as to what the Attorney General's role in the Justice process should be, and I will be involved in that debate no matter the outcome of this election.I have had extensive judicial experience in Europeia (extended periods as an Associate Justice, a few months as Chief Justice and several more spent as Attorney General). I have spent the time since I have joined TNP getting more and more familiar with the laws and proceedings, and will also spend significant time over the next few days going over many of the older court cases so that I am even more familiar with the body of precedent.
I am a firm believer in due process and believe that everybody should have their day in court, and that things should not be heard out solely by the Attorney General. I will abide by the Court's recent ruling in the meantime before anything else is passed by the RA, and I will advocate within the debate on the Attorney General's role for cases to only be declined if 1. It is very clear if the case is entirely without merit (which will be rare) or 2. It is very clear that it falls outside the Court's jurisdiction. These conclusions will largely be drawn from past Court decisions, and if there is ambiguity on a matter of this type then it would be presented to the Court in the form of an inquiry. I will also put personal preconceptions about guilt or innocence aside and prosecute each case fairly, and appoint at least one deputy who will be available to prosecute in cases where I either have a conflict of interest or am unable to for other reasons.
I've weighed up whether I can cope with this on top of my schoolwork and health problems, and have decided that on balance I can cope with the workload if I manage my time well. I don't like to run for something if I don't think I will do well in it.
I intend to run regardless of the outcome of the ProP primary, although I will of course run as an Independent should I lose.
I invite any and all questions, and remind ProP members that I won't be able to attend the congress, so I'd rather questions were asked now rather than waiting to ask them then.
Thank you for reading