Sacagawea Alliance


TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda
I bring this signed agreement to the Regional Assembly for consideration and, hopefully, ratification.

Sacagawea Alliance:
Recognizing our ancient bonds of friendship, transcending our past differences, the free regions of Equilism and The North Pacific seek to again have fun, foster inter-regional cooperation, and oppose tyranny in a new alliance.

1. The parties to this treaty are Equilism and The North Pacific.
2. The parties will recognize the constitutional governments in force at the time of ratification of this treaty as the sole legitimate governments of their respective regions.
3. The parties will not seek or act to undermine one another by any means, including subterfuge, espionage, and invasion.
4. Both parties pledge to defend one another militarily upon request.
5. The parties will share any intelligence relevant to the defense of the other party.
6. A new treaty between the parties may override this treaty.
7. If a party to this treaty acts in willful non-compliance to this treaty, or attacks an ally of the other party, then the other party may immediately terminate this treaty and/or all diplomatic relations, and may issue a statement detailing the transgression.


Delegate Eluvatar of The North Pacific,
Chief Minister Tarricoe of Equilism

There was an informal, preliminary discussion of this matter here.

The history is that TNP and Equilism allied in early 2004 and Equilism indeed came to TNP's assistance during the Great Bight conflict of 2004 and assisted in the ADN operations to free TNP in 2005. Unfortunately in 2008 Westwind, current Founder of Equilism, sought to bring excitement to the game by, as TNP Delegate, changing forums abandoning the constitution and using force to maintain power. While those who took part were in effect amnestied by Great Bights Mum soon afterward, it has taken some time for that contretemps to fall behind us. Since then Equilism has shown through its support against Durkadurkiranistan II in 2010 and its recent support that they are our friends.
2. The parties will recognize the constitutional governments in force at the time of ratification of this treaty as the sole legitimate governments of their respective regions.

what if the Regional Assembly votes to adopt the Flemingovian constitution? Will Equilism respect that decision?
2. The parties will recognize the constitutional governments in force at the time of ratification of this treaty as the sole legitimate governments of their respective regions.

what if the Regional Assembly votes to adopt the Flemingovian constitution? Will Equilism respect that decision?
It was voted on and defeated.
very well: what if the Regional Assembly votes to adopt the Flemingovian constitution on a second consideration of the concept ? Will Equilism respect that decision?

Govindia, do not deny the Regional Assembly the opportunity to see sense eventually. Oh, and please do not answer for Equilism. they will not like it.
I really don't know how the Equilists will respond if we adopt your constitution. IF we adopt it.

RP wise your religion is regarded as a cult, and those who refuse to get deported face execution.
Given that Asta's in Equilism and RPs being Flemingovianist, I don't think that's true of all nations in Equilism.

I expect that Equilism would carry on and support a Flemingovian TNP if it were legitimately adopted.