Change Rule 3


TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda
A Proposal to change RA Rule 3.
Amended Rule 3:
Rule 3

Adoption of an Order of Succession

1. Whenever a new member joins the Security Council or the Assembly is tasked with adopting an order of succession beyond the Vice Delegate, there will be 2 days for proposing one.
2. If there is no current order of succession, a A default order of succession by seniority in the Security Council will be considered proposed. Otherwise, a default order of succession consisting of the current order of succession with any new members added at the end in order of admission will be considered proposed.
3. If at the end of the proposal period no proposals have been made, the default will be subject to a simple majority vote on the question of whether to adopt it, open for five days.
4. If at the end of the proposal period there is more than one proposal, the several proposals will be subject to a vote on on the question of which of them to adopt, open for five days.
5. If at the conclusion of a vote on adopting an order of succession no order of succession shall have achieved a majority of votes cast, this procedure will begin again.
6. Whenever there is an outstanding application to join the Security Council, the Speaker may delay voting on the order of succession until the application has been decided upon.
I haven't actually moved it to a vote yet. Maybe there's more people would like to change, or problems I'm unintentionally introducing.
Clause 2 reads clumsy to me. I have not time to work on a rewording at the moment, but I will look into it in a while.

You do realise this one rule is two thirds as long as the entire Flemingovian constitution, don't you?
I believe the default order that is currently defined should remain as an option to be voted on.
There's no reason why we can't assure two choices for the R.A. to vote on. That would be even more democratic than piggy backing whatever the last approved order was.
I believe the default order that is currently defined should remain as an option to be voted on.
There's no reason why we can't assure two choices for the R.A. to vote on. That would be even more democratic than piggy backing whatever the last approved order was.
I have no objection to that. If another RA member supports Grosseschnauzer's suggestion (and there are not objections), I will include it in my proposal.
1. Whenever a new member joins the Security Council or the Assembly is tasked with adopting an order of succession beyond the Vice Delegate, there will be 2 days for proposing one.
2. In the event no succession order exists, a default order of succession by seniority of the existing Security Council will be considered proposed and established in the interim. In all other cases the existing succession order shall be considered the default order.
3. If at the end of the proposal period no proposals have been made, the default will be adopted without a vote and the new member(s) shall be placed at the bottom of the succession order based upon seniority.
4. If at the end of the proposal period there is more than one proposal, the several proposals will be subject to a vote on the question of which of them to adopt, open for five days.
5. If at the conclusion of a vote on adopting an order of succession no order of succession shall have achieved a majority of votes cast, this procedure will begin again.
6. Whenever there is an outstanding application to join the Security Council, the Speaker may delay voting on the order of succession until the application has been decided upon.

I made a few changes. I like to vote, but if there's a default succession order AND no proposal, then I think the default order should take effect without a vote.
Since the SC has a practical function of preserving the legitimate government, I believe a more practical means of determining an order of succession might be in order.

Going way back before the SC was even thought about, I came up with the scheme of a set of 'guardians' of the regions in which the 'guardians' consisted of a number of nations that would 'rotate' the Delegacy (that is, hand it off to another powerful nation) as needed to preserve the region.

This implied in explicit terms that the most powerful nation in the 'Guardians' (SC, in this instance) was first in line so that as the invader/usurper/etc.,,, is worn down, the next most powerful nation could then be handed the Delegacy.

This allows for the expenditure of 'influence' to be distributed so that all the nations (including the elected Delegate) would minimize damage to their influence in defending the region.

The basic idea was that the Guardians in the event that an invader tried to coup the region a free-for-all to hold the delegacy would occur amongst the guardians in an entirely intentional way. That way, an invader/usurper/rogue/etc.,,, would find himself in a position where numerous other powerful nations were in competition for the Delegacy, the usurper being forced to compete against many other contenders. This means the usurper would have to expend himself against more than one target while each target, working for themselves sustain less damage while targeting the usurper.
if the vote for Elu's changes fail, I plan to present the changes I have suggested as an alternative.
A Proposal to change RA Rule 3.
Amended Rule 3:
Rule 3

Adoption of an Order of Succession

1. Whenever a new member joins the Security Council or the Assembly is tasked with adopting an order of succession beyond the Vice Delegate, there will be 2 days for proposing one.
2. If there is no current order of succession, a A default order of succession by seniority in the Security Council will be considered proposed. Otherwise, a default order of succession consisting of the current order of succession with any new members added at the end in order of admission will be considered proposed.
3. If at the end of the proposal period no proposals have been made, the default will be subject to a simple majority vote on the question of whether to adopt it, open for five days.
4. If at the end of the proposal period there is more than one proposal, the several proposals will be subject to a vote on on the question of which of them to adopt, open for five days.
5. If at the conclusion of a vote on adopting an order of succession no order of succession shall have achieved a majority of votes cast, this procedure will begin again.
6. Whenever there is an outstanding application to join the Security Council, the Speaker may delay voting on the order of succession until the application has been decided upon.
I move for a vote.