Threat of Raid to TNP


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
My friends. Pressing matters have come before The North Pacific, and it is my duty, as acting delegate, to inform you of what has happened, and what I plan on doing.

The Rogue Nation of Pure Hell of the Region Black Hawks has threatened a raid on TNP.

-Background on Pure Hell
-Was refounded five hours ago.
-Has already swapped several regions.
-His region is untouchable.
-Represents a major threat to TNP.

In the wake of this sudden threat to TNP:

-Major Scandigrad advised DEFCON 3.
-Major Scandigrad also strongly recommended evacuation of ALL major TNP cities.

Due to the crisis, Minister Mcmasterdonia was required to declare a State of Emergency.

-Had no alternative but to assume head of state position.
-Scandigrad declared Vice Delegate and General of TNP Army due to his presence at the time.
-All current members of government (Excluding Minister McMasterdonia) and security council are to be executed to prevent their capture/torture

-In order to provide cover for an evacuation, a big disk like spaceship hovered over every major city, about to fire a blue laser that destroys everything. Since TNP is short on men, Mcmasterdonia needs to board his F-18 to blow the mothership to hell.
-RA to be burned to the ground to prevent the enemy from getting any critical documents.
-Root admin and his team to have head guillotined off, just to be sure.

-Opposition to the new regime will be executed immediately
-Given the crisis the New Regime seeks to provide continuity and stability in governance


-Thermonuclear weapons will be used indiscriminately to destroy enemy, as well as solve recent market shortage of glass.
-Bomb to be called "Honey Badger"
-Glory to the new regime!
-Cry of the New Regime: KaBlaH

11:28mcmasterdoniaI just received a TG demanding that i surrender or face an unstoppable onslaught
11:28ScandigradOh that's gotta be fun.
11:28ScandigradLemme guess
11:28ScandigradThree forum posts.
11:28ScandigradCreated May 4th, 2012.
11:29ScandigradFlag is a US or USSR ripoff.
11:29ScandigradHow close am I?
11:30mcmasterdoniahaha.. hmm I will just check
11:31mcmasterdoniarefounded five hours ago
11:31mcmasterdoniaswapped regions a few times
11:31mcmasterdoniajust posted on black hawks rmb...
11:31ScandigradSeems legit.
11:32mcmasterdoniaThe Rogue Nation of Pure Hell: One nation in The North Pacific is taunting us. He keeps on saying that raids will do nothing and that their region is untouchable.
11:32mcmasterdonialol.. He is clearly a moron
11:32ScandigradWatch out guys, we might be dealing with a badass.

11:33mcmasterdoniai'm so scared
11:33ScandigradMinister, I must urge that we go to... DEFCON 3
11:33mcmasterdoniaI agree
11:33Scandigrad(Well it's really awkward that my HTML didn't work... But I rest my case.)
11:33mcmasterdoniaThere is, I'm afraid no alternative
11:34ScandigradPerhaps we should also consider an evacuation of all our major cities.
11:34mcmasterdoniaI must inform the delegate, that due to the crisis, I must now assume the post of Head of State
11:34mcmasterdoniaEvacuations.. Indeed
11:34ScandigradAbsolutely sir.
11:34mcmasterdoniaBy submarine, and people mover's. The enemy will not suspect a thign
11:35mcmasterdoniaA state of Emergency has been declared. I am now Delegate, Scandigrad due to your presence at this time, you are now Vice Delegate and I appoint you General of the NPA
11:36mcmasterdoniaWe must execute all other members of the government, to prevent the enemy from torturing them for information. That includes you Gulliver!
11:36ScandigradI concur. Perhaps staging a big disk like spaceship hovering over the city, about to fire a blue laser that destroys everything would provide an excellent cover story. Since we are short on men, you, even though you are delegate, need to blow the mothership to hell.
11:37mcmasterdoniaAbsolutely! I will not be hiding in the palace while the war rages! take the fight to the enemy! KAbLAh
11:37ScandigradAbsolutely sir. We cannot risk a questionable regime change in these rough times.
11:37ScandigradEspecially with the threat of invasion.
11:37mcmasterdoniaThe regime change must be universally accepted by all. The threat of invasion demands that we provide stability in these unsettling times
11:38mcmasterdoniaBurn the Regional Assembly Down! We don't want any records found by the enemy
11:39mcmasterdoniaoh, and guillotine the root admins head clean off.
11:39ScandigradI find this plan to be without blemish sir.
11:40ScandigradNext we must plan our strategery against the Rogue nation.
11:40*** Mahaj quit (Quit: Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection, the lovers, the dreamers, and meee)
11:41mcmasterdoniaHmm. The rogue nation
11:42mcmasterdoniaWell first, it is clear, we must invade the black hawks, execute their leaders and government and declare it a colony of our new regime
11:42mcmasterdoniaWe must then make a public spectacle of the rogue nation
11:43ScandigradMay I suggest an alternative sir?
11:44mcmasterdoniaOf course
11:44mcmasterdoniaWhat is your suggestion Vice Delegate Scandigrad?
11:44ScandigradWe ARE looking for a new glass mine after all...
11:44mcmasterdoniaGo on..
11:45ScandigradIt is well known that hydrogen weapons create glass.
11:45mcmasterdoniaOh, I see where this is going...
11:46mcmasterdoniaThat right there is what we call, intellect!
11:46ScandigradPerhaps and indiscriminate use of thermonuclear weapons could solve two problems at once.
11:46mcmasterdoniaExactly my friend, exactly.
11:46mcmasterdoniaNext question: What do we name the bomb? It needs a nice name, for the history books you know? Something to tell the grand kids about!
11:47ScandigradI nominate the name "Honey Badger"
11:48mcmasterdoniaHoney Badge.. Sweet, cute. The kids will love it. Excellent name
11:48mcmasterdoniaNow lets bomb the shit out of that hell hole they call a capital!
11:48mcmasterdoniaGlory to the north pacific! GLORY TO THE NEW REGIME!
11:54mcmasterdoniaHe has been ejected from their realm! THEY know their fate is gone!
11:54mcmasterdoniaWe must press on
This is meaningless drivel. Probably belongs in the role play area.
Steady on Grosse, if we take that attitude on meaningless drivel, the RP section will be the only one we use.

I do agree though.
He actually did threaten TNP. We thought his claim was ridiculous, so we responded in an equally ridiculous fashion.

I did expect such a response from you (Grosse) though.
He actually did threaten TNP. We thought his claim was ridiculous, so we responded in an equally ridiculous fashion.
As the saying goes; never argue with a fool, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. It appears he has at least partially succeeded.


Umm, to clarify the fool I was refering to was Pure Hell. Not Grosse. Or mcmasterdonia. Or even me.

I mean I can drag you down to my level if you want, but its a long journey so make sure you go to the toilet before we set off.
This is meaningless drivel. Probably belongs in the role play area.
Sir, there is nothing to be role played about this situation. I am afraid it is far too real, and very grave. Now, I understand that you may not be too fond of some of our decisions, but they are for the greater good and preservation of The North Pacific. Please sir, I know it is difficult, but I request your cooperation.