Constitutional Amendment

I don't think it's against the rules for me to propose legislation, so here we go. As is my right as citizen I propose the following constitutional amendment:

This constitution replaces all other constitutions and legal codes of the North Pacific. They were too long, too dull and more full of holes than a swiss cheese.

The regional government shall be structured around the Flemingovian mantra:
THE FLEMINGOVIAN MANTRA: "Flemingovia is always right. I will listen to Flemingovia. I will not ignore Flemingovia's recommendations. Flemingovia is god.”

Citizens of TNP (defined as any nation that resides in TNP and/or maintains an account on the forum) have the following inalienable rights:
They have the right to be presumed innocent until Flemingovia decides they are guilty.
They have the right to remain silent. Please, god, remain silent. Please.
They have the right to an attorney. However, they do not have the right to a trial, so what the fuck are you paying one for?
They have the right to be treated equally. Since Flemingovia is omniscient, he cannot treat anyone unfairly. QED.

TNP shall hold firmly to the principle of one man; one vote. TNP declares that Flemingovia is the man and he has the vote.

Flemingovia. Obviously. Why ask silly questions?

Again with the silly questions. Flemingovia. Duh.

Flemingovia shall graciously permit a regional assembly to exist, with only intermittent smiting, who may petition him (with appropriate sacrificial offerings) when issues concern them.

Nah. Don’t work. Never have, never will. All judicial decisions will be referred to Flemingovia.

Why have an appeal when Flemingovia’s decision is manifestly correct?

Flemingovia shall appoint whatever government he sees fit. Government officials shall all dress in lilac, for obvious reasons.

When Flemingovia gets a bit bored with godding over the region all by himself, he shall send his only begotten son to take over. After all, it worked for Jesus.
I'm sure the Speaker won't object to referring this to the Constitution Committee where all the other proposals for constitutional reform are supposed to go without favoritism. >|P
Actually, in my wholly objective and not at all biased opinion, this one has the most merit and is most deserving of discussion.
The region needs something new and different.

This proposal is new and it is different.


Just because an idea is new and different doesn't mean it is a good new or a good different. And I don't see this is either. Sorry, but I don't see this idea working.
Haor Chall:
The region needs something new and different.

This proposal is new and it is different.


Just because an idea is new and different doesn't mean it is a good new or a good different. And I don't see this is either. Sorry, but I don't see this idea working.
I thought Romanoffia supported this proposal? :P
I support making the proposal, whether or not I actually support the proposal becoming the Constitution is another story.

But given the lac of sufficient activity around here the more bored citizens of the region may have a fleeting lapse of reason and vote for it by error just to alleviate the boredom. :P

But, if a vote on a Constitutional proposal like this catches people's attention and gets them involved, then I suppose it will have served its purpose despite it's destiny to fail to pass.

Good God, where is everyone's sense of humor these days?
Now that the RA roster is current, we can try to move proposals along good bad or indifferent.

My aim is to clear the calendar and have votes underway by the time the special election is over.
I say to this bill.... you shall not pass.
Do not be so sure. Bear in mind that everyone who votes against this bill will roast in hell for all eternity, whereas those who vote for it will be granted a hundred houris each, who shall each spend a thousand years using their considerable and imaginative skills in the arts of pleasure to reward the faithful one.

I know which I would choose.
I say to this bill.... you shall not pass.
Do not be so sure. Bear in mind that everyone who votes against this bill will roast in hell for all eternity, whereas those who vote for it will be granted a hundred houris each, who shall each spend a thousand years using their considerable and imaginative skills in the arts of pleasure to reward the faithful one.

I know which I would choose.

Remember, NK the proposer of this bill backslid and spoke against Flemingovianism and his God. And look what happened to him.
Hey, I've been to Hell. It's Exit 15W of the New Jersey Turnpike. Right under the Pulasky Skyway. A lovely mess.
Since it appears unlikely that any changes are forthcoming, we'll move it along to formal discussion.

If anyone wants to table the bill, make a motion there.