Social Assistance Accord
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.
Description: The General Assembly,
ACKNOWLEDGING that sapient life is a right that should supersede all others, in both recognition, and applicability,
LAMENTING that many sapient beings are disadvantaged financially, compounded with their inability to accumulate an income due to a multitude of possible reason(s),
SEEKING to assist disadvantaged individuals, whenever possible, in order to propel them back into the workforce, to prevent them from becoming long-lasting burdens to society, and to promote general economic prosperity,
The World Assembly therefore resolves;
(1) All member-states shall develop Unemployment Insurance funds - in accordance with each nation's pre-existing Social Security system (excluding the lack thereof, or systems that do not meet the protocol of this resolution) - in which capital is collected from either state mechanisms, private enterprises, or a combination of the two, with the intent of temporarily sustaining individuals who are without a sufficient income, and their dependents.
(2) Individuals shall receive these benefits under the following circumstances:
Involuntary unemployment, disability, and/or any other form of incapacitation,
Parental leave, in which a dependent is born/adopted, for a minimum of ten [10] weeks,
Should the individual have a severely ill dependent that requires constant, or frequent assistance,
(3) Enough Unemployment Insurance shall be provided to accommodate for the beneficiary, as well as all unemployed dependents legally residing within the beneficiary's residence; the beneficiary and unemployed dependents must receive enough to obtain basic necessities, such as water, nourishment (sufficient enough to sustain the individual's health), rent/housing, and fundamental utilities, such as energy and plumbing.
(4) All individuals shall have immediate access to all information regarding Unemployment Insurance, benefits, and other such programs.
(5) Member states may withhold benefits against individuals convicted of serious fraud or benefit fraud;
(6) Member states may reduce benefits for individuals who are capable of work, but remain unemployed after a minimum of nine [9] months - provided that commitment is made to ensure access and/or incentives to further education and/or skills training.
(7) Nations shall reserve the right to:
a) Grant additional benefits not mentioned within the provisions of this resolution,
b) Employ individuals who are able to work, yet involuntarily unemployed, through public sector occupations,
c) Subsidize employment and/or work programs for individuals on long-term unemployment benefits.
Voting Ends: in 3 days 6 hours