Endorsement Caps


I appreciate all the comments that have been made, and now I'd like to get a better feel of the region's position on these options. Please consider your vote, with the idea in mind that exemptions would exist under any policy.
I voted fifty endorsements, I have always been a strong supporter of regional security. You never know what usurpers are creeping around just below the delegate.
I voted for no endorsement cap. I believe nations should be free to exchange endorsements. It's their right. It's my right and I am not so keen on giving it up. The rest of you should not be so eager to give up your rights either.

Really, the fairest thing to do is to deal with endotarters on a case by case basis. Of course it's more work. You have to actually engage in a dialogue with the nation in question. But its a small thing to do in order to preserve our unique freedom.
I voted for no endo cap.

GBM has expressed part of my position, and in the past I've also made the following point. A endo cap gives protection to those who may have adverse intentions towards our elected delegate. It makes their job easier because they know they can build up to a stated level, regardless of speed and those endotarters will be protected from any consequences.
...should be free to exchange endorsements. It's their right. ....not so keen on giving it up. .... , the fairest thing to do is to deal with endotarters on a case by case basis. .... But its a small thing to do in order to preserve our unique freedom.
'nuff said.

Kitabo has always been a strong supporter of exchanging friendship endos. It makes nations feel welcome. Nations with high endo counts = high influence can also help to secure the region.

As a compromise, a security cap like 50 below delegate as a green light to react would be o.k. (but leaving the final decision up to the delegate), just to avoid any long discussions when something gets too hot.