The Prime Minister Study Commission

More than a year ago, experiments and discussions began with The North Pacific towards the establishment of an economic and financial system. A Bank of The North Pacific was created under the leadership of Byardkuria. A Chamber of Commerce was started under Lazy Wizard. Tresville, at one point, wanted to organize an Economy Conference. And more recently, Haor Chall wanted to seek ways to invigorate the concept of a domestic, regional economy.

This subject is one that requires careful and considered thought and planning in order to be successful. Many different approaches have been floated here, and various different approaches have been attempted elsewhere; no clear cut formula has been identified that would assure the successful creation and maintenance of an economic system.

Under these circumstances, a request was made that I appoint a study commission to address the issue of an economic system within The North Pacific. I hereby create the Prime Minister’s Study Commission on The North Pacific Economy. This Commission;s general charge is to review this subject, make any inquiries they deem appropriate to formulate a plan for a regional economic system, and if possible incorporate those projects that have already been put in place as foundations for that economy.

At the current time, I am going to leave the Commission’s mandate to remain in place for an indefinite time; however, I will ask for an update three weeks from now, and again, six wweks from now. If the Commission is still engaged in its work at that time, then I will request that my successor as Prime Minister continue this project after my term of office ends in early May.

I am appointing the following as members of the Commission: Byardkuria, Tresville, Eluvatar, Falconkats, and Haor Chall as chairman. I am available to the Commission for any input they might request of me during this process. I am quite interested to see what sort of proposals the Commission will fashion as part of its recommendations to the region as a whole in the creation of an economic system for The North Pacific.