Oath of Office requirement applies to diplomats

In late December, I sought a decision from the Court of The North Pacific concerning the application of the Oath of Office requirement in TNP Law 1 to ambassadors and other diplomatic representatives of The North Pacific.

In the Ruling of Chief Justice Byardkuria, he held that TNP Law 1 applies tp all ambassadors and other members of the TNP diplomatic corps as appointed positions.

While there is, as of yet, no specific mechanism as to how this requirement needs to be implemented, I wanted to make certain that those with a TNP diplomatic appointment are made aware of this, and that a determination will be forthcoming as to the implementation of TNP Law 1 to all appointed TNP diplomats.
I've created a thread in the MoEA office for this, seemed to make the most sense. Obviously those who have already posted their oath in the thread in this forum need not post it again.
Haor, to the extent that a TNP Diplomat has no other offfices or positions outside the RA, that's ifne. You do need to place the information here, so maskings can be verified and if a diplomat is found to have lost RA eligibility, that issue can be timely addressed.
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You coulda said in the beginning... :P

If you could use ur GMod power and move/merge/whatever the thread from the MoEA office into the one here or something then please...