Appointment of a Commission

For several terms, there has been frequent discussion about opening a university to be based here in The North Pacific, in these forums. As events have shown, it is not a simple enterprise. Such an institution can offer much of value for both newcomers and old-timers.

At the current time, newcomers into the game, whether their nations are created here or in one of the other feeder regions, do not have consistent access to learning about Nationstates, and the varied ways gameplay takes place both on-site at Nationstates, and off-site at the numerous fora that regions use for gameplay and communication outside the official Nationstates game.

I am one of those who believe that there is much to be gained by having a well-planned mechanism, in the form of a university, to fulfill the commitment that we have enshrined in the preamble of our Constitution. As I stated when I announced my candidacy for Prime Minister:

I will promptly appoint a commission of leading citizens to formulate a concrete plan to organize and operate such an institution in The North Pacific. I believe it is an excellent mechanism by which we can attract others to become fully engaged as citizens in The North Pacific, and to foster improved relations with other regions throughout Nationstates. It would be my firm goal to have the University formally established and operating by the end of my term of office.

Today, I announce the formation of that Commission. I charge this Commission to formulate a plan for the establishment, goals, and operation of The North Pacific University, and to deliver that plan to my office within 30 days from today. I ask the Commission to formulate a strategy for growth for TNPU, and to propose a mechanism for its governance that provides an adequate check and balance on its operation on the one hand, and keeps it separated from political interference on the other. The plan needs to define the starting point for its course offerings, and likewise define its ultimate academic goals. That plan will be presented to the Regional Assembly, along with any required legislation, at that time for its discussion and vote.

The following citizens of our region have agreed to serve as members of the Commission:

Ator People, former Minister of Culture and Education;
Byardkuria, the Chief Justice of the Court of The North Pacific;
Haor Chall, former Minister of External Affairs; and
Unterwasserseestaat, former Vice Delegate.

I am asking the current Minister of Culture and Education, John Ashcroft Land, to serve as an ex-officio member of the Commission. As time and my duties permit, I will also participate in the Commission’s discussions. I hope that everyone in TNP will contribute ideas that will help the Commission develop a successful plan; a plan that will be the foundation of a successful endeavor.

This is an ambitious task, and time is of the essence to take advantage of the support that the idea of a university has within TNP. I ask that the Commission begins its work as soon as possible. If we start the university on a small scale, with a realistic and clearly defined starting point, goals, and a roadmap laying out how the university will reach those goals, I have every confidence that this effort will be successful.