PM/IRC and ToS - Voting Poll Thingie


You may not post personal messages or IRC transcripts in a public area of the forum without the author's permission.

Members of the government may post PMs or IRC transcripts (without prior permission) in secure appropriate areas of the forum in order to perform the duties of their office. This includes posting for justifiable purposes of regional security or court evidence.

If you can't figure out what to do with the poll, let me know and I'll pull your mod powers. :P :lol:
:eyeroll: I knew I shouldn't have put that in there...

The proposal has been edited somewhat to permit the posting of PM's and transcripts for reasons of regional security. Since it came up in the other topic, I'll edit it again to include all members.

If you'd like to change your vote and can't, just post below what your vote and and what you'd like it to be.
But.... I like cows. Moo specially.
This is descrimination! What about those of us who like llamas and Gilamonstser? :fish:

This message brought to you by the Llama and Gilamonster Anti-defamation League.
Hersfold in the near future:
We will be adopting a new rule regarding the posting of private messages. This rule recieved the following votes:

Yes - 6
No - 1
Discuss further - 0
I like cows - 3

Let us show everyone the intircasies of the job of being a moderator.

Anyway, I'm going to leave this open for the new government so that they have some sort of say in the matter - the poll will close this friday, probably somewhere around the time I'm posting this.
I've voted no, though it hardly matters. Much like this proposal, I think. I am pretty sure PMs and IRC logs will continue to be shared covertly, just as they always have. No trouble as long as you don't get caught. :shifty:
Yea, but we still like the front of the building to look nice and pretty even if everything inside of it is ugly and corrupt.

And, seeing as that sounded overly pessimistic, some random smilies to lighten the mood:
:kiss: :hug: :worship: :fish: :lol: :rofl: :clap: :3