PMs and ToS

It strikes me that there might be some benefit in having a notice in the welcome area which tells people about acceptable behaviour on the forum.

Most of the forums I am on have varying notions of what is acceptable conduct, which goes beyond the TOS. It might be good to have a post that people see when they first join the forum, so that they do not first discover a rule when they break it.

That being said, such a post would have to be sensitively done. I would hate for people's first experience of S13 to be a list of "thou shalt nots".
The Board Guidelinespage I wrote up a while ago was intended to sort of act like that - I tried to make it a bit friendly, but still pretty obvious as to what's acceptable. I've also tacked on the rules specific to our forum - so far, the warning system and signature image limit (@ Flem - *ahem*).

I could post a link to that in the welcome page, but it might need a little bit of a re-write.

Anyway, I'll post a voting topic for the proposal when I get back from work.
I think my sig comes in under the top limit, doesn't it? If you sort of put your head on one side and look at it sideways. Then squint. Then back away from the monitor a bit.

Anyway, I appeal under the "but it is really really funny and anyway I will change it tomorrow" clause in the small print.
Anyway, I'll post a voting topic for the proposal when I get back from work.
The final version of this should make itself clear that it applies to private messages and IRC chats.

If it becomes necessary, then a bill can be offered in the regional assembly permitting public disclosure in proceedings in the security council and in the courts. (There is already a permitted disclosure exception in the Constitution related to the North Pacific Intelligence Agency, so there is precedent for legislation. In addition, the interim court rules include a authentication requirement for the use of private messages, posts, or IRC chats as evidence in court proceedings.)
Point taken, Gross. I think for right now we'll just make that the general rule, but if such a posting becomes necessary for those reasons, we'll let it go through. :yes:

@ Flem - :eyeroll:
Actually, question, can regular people post PMs and such to the security council? ie... If *I* wasn't the one getting the abnormal TGs or PMs, but instead someone else got them and decided they constituted a threat, should they be able to post them to the Security Council?
Under the currently proposed provisions, no!!

Thats the problem when you try and legislate morals!! I think it is a commonsense issue and a judgement call depending on the contents of the PM!! I realise commonsense is not that common, but someone wanting to post a PM maliciously will not take any notice of the guidelines we draw up anyway!!
Actually, question, can regular people post PMs and such to the security council? ie... If *I* wasn't the one getting the abnormal TGs or PMs, but instead someone else got them and decided they constituted a threat, should they be able to post them to the Security Council?
The proposal deals with posting in fully viewable public forums, which I would think excludes forums such as the one for Security Council deliberations and for the Cabinet.

It's why I posted what I did above. There is nothing preventing a player from forwarding a PM via PM to a member of the security council in the situation you describe, or to the delegate, ow whoever would take the matter to the SC. That person would be able to post the content in one of the limited viewing deliberation forums without violating this provision.
We have a problem.

I have just recieved a PM from Gordonel that complains about posts by avenging angels in the "Suggestions" subforum that quoted private messages between them.

In view of the fact that the forum rule on PMs and ToS has not been finalized, I am uncertain what the appropriate action should be.

I have moved the particular thread from the Suggestions subforum to this forum until we collectively as moderators and admins can sort this out.
Reviewing now. I'll make a decent post when I'm a little more informed.

Ok, ruling made. I can't really yell at them for this, since we didn't actually DO anything with this (probably my fault), but the two of them did get a bit carried away with insulting each other, so I slapped 'em with a warning and told them to kiss and make up. In slightly more diplomatic terms.

Anyway, we do need to get this voted on now. I've got to go issue their warnings and get caught up on what I missed, but you lot look the topic over and decide if you like it or not.
No posts for a while, so I assume no further issues. I'll make a poll for this topic, hopefully we can have it done by elections.