Embassy Documents


It has been brought to my attention that their may be some questions over the legitamacy of some of our embassy documents, to do with the effective anullment when the constitution was brought in, and not having been put back to an RA vote following that. I am unable to find the old vote results on s2 in order to verify this or not.

Looking over our current embassy documents, I noticed two (Canada and TPC) that have not been signed by representatives of either region and one (PRP) that is signed but awaiting approval by the RA.

Personally, I don't want to get into a mass argument about how valid these are. With the passing of the legislation on embassy documents it will be considerably easier to re-sign all these documents. Assuming the cabinet has no objections, or other ideas that might be better, I'm happy to contact all regions we currently have an embassy with in order to re-sign our current embassy treaties.
Yes, as soon as Wiz signs off on the changes that have been approved by Cabinet and the RA it will be easier for you to validate these embassies!! I have no problems with what you have proposed!!