Convention on Espionage and Warfare


Greetings North Pacificans and foreign diplomats. I come here today not as a representative of my Empire of nations but simply as a player of NationStates. Recently we have had a couple of rather unpleasant, unethical, and possibly illegal actions take place regarding two regional forums. These aren't the first incidents of this nature and unfortunately they won't be the last. I believe that we as a Nationstates community would be remiss if we did not come together and say with one voice that enough is enough and we aren't going to tolerate this sort of thing any longer. During a discussion with Eli of The Meritocracy the other day we decided that we should pool our efforts and try to bring everyone together and hash out an agreement not to support these actions or the people who perform them. To that end, the administrators of The Meritocracy's forum have graciously offered to host a conference on this issue. I hope any region who reads this message will send a delegation so we can say with one voice that this sort of thing is not acceptable.

The Meritocracy:
News item on this convention:

PS I posted this on your old forum, my apologies as I didn't realize you had moved :lol:
We would be interested in attending the convention!!

I believe this to be an important topic and one where a united stand is needed regardless of which side of the fence you sit in this game!!

I will discuss this briefly with cabinet to decide who will represent us at this convention and in form yourself and Eli of our representatives as soon as they are decided!!