
  1. Andrenne

    There Will Be Bloodshed [Semi-Open]

    Continued from this post. Anyone that wishes to reply may do so as long as they inform me of what they’re posting before hand and I give your participation in the thread a seal of approval. 1:17 AM, April 23rd, 2021 Miita, Andrenne Booms echoed throughout the city of Miita. Granted, at the...
  2. Tardine

    Tales of a (not so) crazy Empress

    Colonial Flag of Tardine (1418-1813) OOC: Kardenccia II Berduk Kladerai, also know as "Kardenccia, the Crazy", was born on March 3rd, 1789 in Olmongeter. The country was going through turbulent times, after the death of Hermani II Erialdaka alf Kladerai (the Erialdaka family have a great...