
  1. Murias

    Count to 10 Before Murias Posts!

    Yes, it's one of those threads. I that's what they are called. The rules are simple enough, just count to 10 without double posting. I like these threads so I wanted to participate.
  2. Vanguard

    Count to 10 before a Pizza Worshipper revokes your Pizza privileges

    Standard Count to X number until I Post which resets it back to zero. Its about time I made my own thread. oh yeah, almost forgot, NO double posting. Winners (btw Its MM/DD/YY because I'm American): Wilkshire 4/14/2023 Laforeia 5/4/2023 Wilkshire 5/7/2023 Murias 7/28/2023 Bankowiata 8/7/2023...
  3. Lionsmeow

    Count to 7 before a cat posts

    Yeah, one of those threads. Count to 7 before I (or perhaps another cat) can post and reset the score to 0. Enjoy! First additional rule, please don't double-post :D
  4. The Smol Scholar

    Count to 15 before ANYONE post!

    Ze rulez arr simple, yu can kount to 15, or post 0, your choice. Anybody kan rezet ze count if such perzon wants to. Do what you like to do. Good luck.
  5. ʞɐʇʎɐɹdɐ

    Count to 150 before Madeline Valois gets citizenship (lock pls)

    Do as the title says. Ayo if we get past 150 do something like this: "151 (1)" you technically restart but you don't dang it we lost 1
  6. Ayuzh

    Count to 2023 before 2023

    Well no body was starting this so I thought I should start... Very simple We need to count to 2023 before 2023
  7. ʞɐʇʎɐɹdɐ

    Count to 100 by yourself

    count to 100 by yourself stats: empty - 1 me - 3 unicorn - 3 funia - 6
  8. Ayuzh

    Counting between day and night

    This is a very simple game, We will start with 5 The players whose local time is between 6am to 6 pm will count to 10 While the players whose local time is between 6pm to 6am will count to 0 Day wins:6 Night wins:2 If the count reaches 0 or 10 then restart from 5!