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  1. The Southern Acre

    The Southern Acre for MoCE

    Ok, here is my platform. Much like JALs to my dissapointment... I would like to construct a TNP university and teach classes. I shall teach some myself on all topics relevant to NS, and I will bring others from TNP and even outside regions in to teach. I would also like to promote more...
  2. The Southern Acre

    Insane Power Resigns

    As of today, October 5, 2006 Insane Power is no longer the delegate of The Lexicon. :clap: He resigned earlier, saying simply: He named no sucessor and left the region immediatley after posting his resignation. But not before he banned Crazy Monkeymen from the forum, someone who most likley...
  3. The Southern Acre

    Letter From the Future

    You may have already read this, it has been floating around several NS forums, but I think it is worth posting for everyone. Read the whole thing, its worth it. It really makes you think. Greetings to you, people of the year 2001! You are living in the year of my birth; I am one hundred years...
  4. The Southern Acre

    Hello All!

    Hi everyone! Im new to the region but not to NS, Im active in several other regions but came here because this looks like one of the really active regions, and those are tough to come by these days. I will register for the Regional Assembly and so on, however I have one question. You seem to...