Search results

  1. Heroic Parody

    Current RA members: New Oath

    Heroic Parody "I, Heroic Parody, as the leader of the Heroic Parody, pledge to obey the Constitution and Laws of The North Pacific Region, and to act as a responsible member of its society. I understand that if my Nation leaves The North Pacific region for reasons other than participation in...
  2. Heroic Parody

    Associate Judges

    TNP Nation: Heroic Parody Forum Name: Heroic Parody Democratic Donkeys: For Mr. Gaunt: Aye
  3. Heroic Parody

    General Elections, November 2006

    Forum Username: Heroic Parody TNP Member Nation: Heroic Parody Prime Minister: Blue Wolf II Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs: Former English Colony Minister of External Affairs: Flemingovia Minister of Communications: dont pick it up Minister of Justice: Southwest Asia Minister...
  4. Heroic Parody

    What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    You only live once - the Strokes
  5. Heroic Parody

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ is a sailor
  6. Heroic Parody

    Pet Peeves

    PP: cheesy movies
  7. Heroic Parody

    I Just...

    I just watched a movie
  8. Heroic Parody

    I Shouldn't.....

    I shouldn't bee awake soo late
  9. Heroic Parody

    I Am...

    I am a monkey
  10. Heroic Parody

    I'm Going To...

    I am going to spam a bit.
  11. Heroic Parody

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ has a cool name
  12. Heroic Parody

    Pet Peeves

    PP: bad music
  13. Heroic Parody

    Word Disassociation

  14. Heroic Parody

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ is way closer to becomeing one of the spam greats than me.
  15. Heroic Parody

    Who Posts Next?

    nope Capt. C
  16. Heroic Parody

    Who Posts Next?

    nope DD
  17. Heroic Parody

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ is a spam god
  18. Heroic Parody

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ is a goer
  19. Heroic Parody

    Who Posts Next?

    nope flem
  20. Heroic Parody

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ will never stop spaming
  21. Heroic Parody

    Who Posts Next?

    yup AI
  22. Heroic Parody

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ has just told me something
  23. Heroic Parody

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ is not telling me anything
  24. Heroic Parody

    I Am...

    I am a grape
  25. Heroic Parody

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ is on(line) today
  26. Heroic Parody

    I Have...

    I have to kill my sister now
  27. Heroic Parody

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ not as lame as <
  28. Heroic Parody

    Pet Peeves

    PP: Old PC
  29. Heroic Parody

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ really is a spam lord
  30. Heroic Parody

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ has an un-confusng-ness