Confirmation of Gorundu as Election Commissioner


Child of the Light
Deputy Speaker
TNP Nation
The Delegate:
Noting that his term expires on May 1st, I hereby appoint @Gorundu to another term as Election Commissioner.

@Gorundu has been appointed Election Commissioner by Delegate @Kaschovia. I hereby open the floor for debate and discussion on this matter. I would also welcome a statement in support of the nominee from the Delegate.

Should this reach a vote, I intend to put the following motion to the Regional Assembly:
The Motion:
The Regional Assembly, acting on the nomination of the Delegate, appoints Gorundu to the Election Commission.
No objections here. Gorundu has shown himself to be adept at the role of Election Commissioner.
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Gorundu has supervised multiple elections since 2021 and has certainly proven his experience and suitability in the role of Election Commissioner.

I motion for a vote.
Gorundu has supervised multiple elections since 2021 and has certainly proven his experience and suitability in the role of Election Commissioner.

I motion for a vote.
I second the motion for a vote.
Motion and second recognized. A vote has been scheduled to begin at (time=1714222800).
If the vote were started now, and lasted five days, Gorundu could take his oath before the start of the next election and thus be available for it. As it stands now, he wouldn't, as supervisors coming on or leaving during the election are considered absent. I have confidence in Gorundu, and would really like to have him available.

I move for an immediate vote.
I second the motion for an immediate vote.
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As a note - there is no formal mechanism to move for an immediate vote in this instance. The process for scheduling an immediate vote is found in the Regional Assembly Rules, the relevant section reproduced here:
Section 1. Proposals

1. Any citizen may bring a proposal for discussion before the Regional Assembly.

2. The Speaker may schedule a vote on any proposal being discussed by the Regional Assembly as permitted by law.

3. If, before a vote on a proposal begins, at least three citizens object to the decision of the Speaker to schedule it, the Speaker must cancel the scheduled vote.

4. If a number of citizens equal to or exceeding one third of the number of votes required to achieve quorum for any legislative vote, including the citizen that introduced the proposal to the Regional Assembly, motion that a vote should be held on a proposal before the Regional Assembly, then the Speaker must schedule a vote on that proposal to begin as soon as permitted by law.

There has been some confusion, both in this thread and on Discord about this process and we should start to review whether this area of the RA Rules - which would require a vote of the RA to change - can be made clearer.

On this appointment, given the time-sensitive nature of the appointment and seeing a motion to vote and a second, I am scheduling a vote to begin in the time it takes for me to post a new voting thread.
As a note - there is no formal mechanism to move for an immediate vote in this instance. The process for scheduling an immediate vote is found in the Regional Assembly Rules, the relevant section reproduced here:

There has been some confusion, both in this thread and on Discord about this process and we should start to review whether this area of the RA Rules - which would require a vote of the RA to change - can be made clearer.

On this appointment, given the time-sensitive nature of the appointment and seeing a motion to vote and a second, I am scheduling a vote to begin in the time it takes for me to post a new voting thread.

I support what Madjack said about clarifying the rules.

Also I have worked with Gorundu on supervising an election together and it was a good experience.