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  1. S

    The Formation and Growth of Brahstae

    Dear Diary of the World, We have seen the rise of the great nation of Rebmocam. Then came the formation of Zubijuenech by Rebmocamen dissidents. Rebmocam's downfall came as a sudden surprise to many as we all considered such a thriving nation to be powerful and ever-lasting. But no, even it too...
  2. S

    Stelo Casisto's Ask Anything Blog

    Hello! Stelo Casisto here! I'd like to make some friends by starting my own blog that's sort of like Tumblr if it didn't have the anonymous option. So, please, ask me anything! I will answer as quickly as possible! :)
  3. S

    Greetings From Rebmocam

    Hello! This is Rebmocam. I have been in The North Pacific for a while, but I just now joined the offsite forum. Hello everyone! :)