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  1. Asterguard

    [Draft] Industrial Standards Act

    Not a fan of just creating a bureau for the single purpose of creating standards and norms. Creative idea, but too little detail to pass. Maybe include areas it regulates, how it regulates it, and the benefits and disadvantages of the regulations, for starters?
  2. Asterguard

    [Locked] For the Establishment of International Health-Care Standards

    If it contradicts or is a duplicate, let me know. I will be researching if this does myself later today. Any feedback is appreciated
  3. Asterguard

    [Locked] For the Establishment of International Health-Care Standards

    The World Assembly, Aware that underdeveloped economies, or economies struggling to produce output, are mostly unable to provide adequate healthcare for its citizens. Noting that a lack of sufficient health-care standards has significantly increased the death rate of persons due to disease...
  4. Asterguard

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Nation in The North Pacific: Asterguard Ministry you are interested in joining: Foreign Affairs (Optional) Previous experience in this: Not Applicable
  5. Asterguard

    [Locked] Repeal "Preventing the Execution of Innocents"

    New draft posted to this forum. Check it out and lmk what you think. #443 outlawed capital punishment but did it rather sneakily which is why I'm appealing it. I plan to replace it with a proposal to regulate capital punishment instead of outright forbidding it, which is essentially what it...
  6. Asterguard

    [Locked] Repeal: "Preventing the Execution of Innocents"

    Thread now in the right spot. If an administrator or someone viewing this is capable of removing the original post in the Legislative League general forum, please remove it. Let me know what you think, what I can add, and what I can revise. Thanks!
  7. Asterguard

    [Locked] Repeal "Preventing the Execution of Innocents"

    Thanks for the advice too. Im rethinking the basis instead of going off NatSov
  8. Asterguard

    [Locked] Repeal "Preventing the Execution of Innocents"

    Already applied a couple days go
  9. Asterguard

    [Locked] Repeal "Preventing the Execution of Innocents"

    Cancelled. Gensec marked Illegal. Revising to incorporate direct elements of GA#443. Now being used for reference
  10. Asterguard

    [Locked] Repeal "Preventing the Execution of Innocents"

    The World Assembly, Understanding the resolutions goal to mediate the severity of punishments for capital crimes, and spare the lives of those accused of it. Noting that the resolutions passage was successful by a margin of 769 member votes. Asserting that GA Resolution #443 violates a...
  11. Asterguard

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Nation in The North Pacific: Asterguard Ministry you are interested in joining: World Assembly Affairs (Optional) Previous experience in this: N/A
  12. Asterguard

    Citizenship Applications

    Nation: Asterguard I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand...