Search results

  1. YeahJust

    Happy Birthday, R3n!

    Happy (belated)Birthday!
  2. YeahJust

    Count to 1000 and back down again!

  3. YeahJust

    Ambassador Offices

    Done for UK, But Stargate has no forum.
  4. YeahJust

    The Purge

    Yes I am still here :p
  5. YeahJust

    Leave of Absence Requests

    Date leave begins: August 4th Expected date of return: September 10th Reason for request: Vacation. (4th-30th) I'll be kind of busy with paperwork and school, and I don't expect to be able to use NS at all until then.
  6. YeahJust

    Spam Points

    McMasterdonia - 323 Nessuno - 153 Lord Nwahs - 104 Jamie - 96 Chasmanthe - 95 Ash - 70 Alta Italia - 58 Merconitonitopia - 57 Blackshear - 56 quak1234 - 56 Borndisaster - 47 Kaschovia - 45 plembobria - 41 Kyorgia - 41 Andrew - 39 Yayness Cheese Man - 36 FrozenTopHat - 33 Corporal Clegg - 32...
  7. YeahJust

    Spam Points

    McMasterdonia - 323 Nessuno - 153 Lord Nwahs - 104 Jamie - 96 Chasmanthe - 95 Ash - 70 Alta Italia - 58 Merconitonitopia - 57 Blackshear - 56 quak1234 - 54 Borndisaster - 47 Kaschovia - 44 plembobria - 41 Kyorgia - 41 Andrew - 38 Yayness Cheese Man - 36 FrozenTopHat - 33 Corporal Clegg - 32...
  8. YeahJust

    Informal Update

    I think thats ok. When do we send the Northern Lights?
  9. YeahJust

    Greetings from the Severed Cities

    :tnp: Welcome! :tnp:
  10. YeahJust

    [REOPENED] Results: July 2016 Judicial Election

    congrats to all :tnp:
  11. YeahJust

    Request for Review: Constitution Article 3

    I believe there was a post a few months ago saying this was ok because they were all security counsel members.
  12. YeahJust

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Nation in The North Pacific: Mazeoftime Ministry you are interested in joining: (Gameside Affairs - Regional Mentor) (Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: none I forgot to state what position I was trying to apply for :cry:
  13. YeahJust

    Voting: July 2016 Judicial Election

    Court Justice (select up to 3): < Gracius Maximus | Eluvatar | Yeraennus |> Attorney General: < Sasten |>
  14. YeahJust

    Regions Record Thread

    I don't think we have an ingame embassy with the U.K?
  15. YeahJust

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Nation in The North Pacific: Mazeoftime Ministry you are interested in joining: Gameside Affairs (Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: none :^(
  16. YeahJust

    Voting: July 2016 Judicial Election

    Justice (select up to 3): < Gracius Maximus > Would you like to reopen nominations? < Yes > Attorney General: < OblivionObliviousness > Would you like to reopen nominations? < Yes >
  17. YeahJust

    Staff Record Thread

    :P I could take on another
  18. YeahJust

    Eulogize the Person Above You

    :tb3: I guess the eyeball just exploded.
  19. YeahJust

    Application for Citizenship

    Post in this thread please :tnp:
  20. YeahJust

    Gameplay Ideology Test

    <p><em>Your result for Nationstates Gameplay Ideology Test...</em></p><h4>Conservative Imperialist</h4><p>46% Liberty, 8% Equality, 69% Stability and 100% Power!</p><div><p>You think stability is important for a society. You feel that ‘change for the sake of change’ is stupid and that...
  21. YeahJust

    Give or Take?

    FrozenTopHat - 132 Praetor - 130 Ceretis - 72 Kasch - 47 Aragnatim - 75 IndieGirl - 25 Jacksonville - 20 Dia - 12 Esplandia - 7 quak1234 - 8 Yeahjust- 1
  22. YeahJust

    Flatter the Person Above You

    Beautiful Eye!
  23. YeahJust

    Opening Statement and Roll Call

    Name: Length of Service in TNP Diplomatic Service: ~a month Length of time in diplomacy and where: UK, May-Present Regions you have positive relations with: the U.K? Regions you are ambassador for and length of time in each: U.K May-Present What are your thoughts on the internal...