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  1. freedom and pride

    Taking a Stance

    sure...add it to the law. FOrum crashing is purely wrong. TWP is considering breaking their alliance with the RLA, but I doubt it will happen. Others have condemned the RLA and I think the region, although neutral on the RLA, shoudl broadly forbid forum crashing.
  2. freedom and pride

    Term Limitations! !

    I love the !!, polts. Now...we all know that NS is heading to its dark days. If we want activity, we simply MUST allow for more freedom for elections. reduce the restrictions!
  3. freedom and pride

    What's Under Their Bed?

    a banject button
  4. freedom and pride


    and how are we to detect geniuses in the womb? Do non-geniuses get fewer rights then? What if you are one point away form the genius level...can you still contribute to society? wha if you are born retarded....YES. All souls are God given and deserve an equal chance at life. Every person...
  5. freedom and pride

    Term Limitations! !

    consecutivity...I love inventing a good standard in limitation. Outright ban, now that's wrong. change it!
  6. freedom and pride

    The North Pacific Lottery

    13 23 8 16
  7. freedom and pride


    As for your third reason, Roman...let me tell you a story. An ethics professor walks into his class and begins lis lecture. OK class, we are going to discuss Abortion. Now I know everyone has a predisposition on the issue, so let's just jump to a senario. Let's take a vote, in general, does...
  8. freedom and pride

    Just a statement of belief

    Maybe we should make a policy of changing root adminship by election....make it a totally exclusive office.
  9. freedom and pride

    Don't forget the Christians!

    Palestinian Christians Are Persecuted, Author Says By Julie Stahl Jerusalem Bureau Chief November 21, 2005 Jerusalem ( - Palestinian Christians are suffering from human rights abuses including land confiscations, rape and murder at the hands of the much larger Muslim...
  10. freedom and pride

    Just a statement of belief

    I do hope, then, that the move will turn out well. Why would twoslit exp misbehave like that?
  11. freedom and pride

    Regional Assembly Sign Up

    I, (Lake Liberty) was and wish to remain in the Regional Assembly
  12. freedom and pride

    Just a statement of belief

    how sad indeed. Then we need to get the RA started again...where is everyone? And may I write legislative proposals, or only the cabinet?
  13. freedom and pride

    Just a statement of belief

    I have a nagging feeling that we made the wrong decision here, and as an RA member, I want to officially register my discontent wiht moving the opfficial forum. Move like that should never be taken lightly. An old forum has so much history and power and unity behind it, and we lit it al on fire...
  14. freedom and pride


    signing in as well