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  1. Kanada

    A Wolf at the Gates

    His memory of the night had been compressed to a foggy nightmare. Endless kicking in harsh waves, with debris battering him all round. Every other breath was interrupted by an assault of saltwater. Once Gustav had kicked for what seemed like eons, he came close enough to the shore for the waves...
  2. Kanada

    A Wolf at the Gates

    Gustav was laying on his bed, above the sheets, seemingly unbothered by the barrage on the ship. Next to him was a book with his thumb stuck in to keep the page. He was drifting asleep while reading and looked rather comfortable. A hypnic jerk caused his eyes to flutter open, and he nearly fell...
  3. Kanada

    Twitcher (now with Messenger!)

    Viktor Wesmarke MP @vikwesmarke • 2h Honored to be working on a new UBI bill with the lovely @anneulburgmp and @helgahoss. As the Baby of the House, I'm glad I'm not excluded. No Malor-Kanadian should be impoverished, especially when others have so much! #ubi #anneulburg #malorkanada 12.8K...
  4. Kanada

    A Wolf at the Gates

    Illuminated only by the soft moonlight, and up to his shins in freezing swamp water, Gustav shivered. In his right hand, he gripped a metal detector, which he slowly crept left and right, just above the water line. When he glanced behind himself, just for a moment, and he could see the...
  5. Kanada

    OOC: A wolf at the Gates [sign-up]

    Character Name: Gustav Koskela Nation of Origin: Malor-Kanada (Kanada) Age: 24 Brief Description: Gustav served in the Kanadian military as a combat engineer from 2014 to 2018, and was part of the expeditionary force that fought at the tail end of the Prydanian civil war. He received the Army...
  6. Kanada

    [FT]Intergalactic Institute of Stellar Cartography

    I would like to request the addition of the Kuthea Commune thank you (:
  7. Kanada

    Kanasieger Zvå Console and Game Releases

    Vedenemo Announced Taking place in the abandoned trenches and bunkers in the years following the Provocation War, Vedenemo is a new horror game brought to us by the Hidrene Studio in Fort Seanin. Releasing September 1st, 2020.
  8. Kanada

    Grey Winter

    “Wake up, wake up, wake up!” Shouted the sergeant, smacking the metal door frame of the entrance to one of the barracks, before moving on to another. Dozens of soldiers fell out of their bunks, throwing on their helmets and jackets. They filed into the arms room, and within 60 seconds of waking...
  9. Kanada

    Pan-Gotic Union

    Nation: Malor-Kanada Admission of Hessunland: < Yea > Admission of Alliaronia: < Yea >
  10. Kanada

    Pan-Gotic Union

    Vote to Suspend the Kingdom of Andrenne from the PGU Nation: Malor-Kanada Vote: < Abstain >
  11. Kanada

    Kanasieger Zvå Console and Game Releases

    Releasing on the First of July, Cappelen Entertainment Company is proud to present the newest generation in video game technology: The Kanasieger Zvå. Rumours have been spreading in the last year about a second generation to the greatest game console yet made, the original Kanasieger, and we...
  12. Kanada

    Local News Topic

    Kanadian Hockey League pays for new arena in Beaconsfield, Prydania Today, Kanadian Hockey League president Kari Makkara released a statement, informing us that the KHL and Malor-Kanadian government is spending a combined total of 202.6 Million Λ (96.5 Million IBU) for the construction of a new...
  13. Kanada

    Population, Area, and GDP Megathread

  14. Kanada

    Major Cities of Eras

    Re-doing Kanada's cities, and adding some new ones. (: City Name: Kalgary Relevant Subdivision Name (optional): Kalgary Nation Name: Kanada City Population: 5,859,000 Is national Capital City: Yes Percentage of Nation’s Total Population: 14.9% City Name: Fääs Seanin (Replaces Fort Sean)...
  15. Kanada

    Vote for the Host City of the 2020 Odinspyl

    Name of Nation: Malor-Kanadian Empire Which city should host the 2020 Odinspyl? Krimielstein Name of Nation: Duchy of Peuportile Which city should host the 2020 Odinspyl? Krimielstein
  16. Kanada

    Das Gemeinschaft

    Nation: Peuportîle Adopt Gemeinschaft Resolution 2020.1?: < Aye >
  17. Kanada

    Das Gemeinschaft

    Noëlle Le Marquis sat down third, dressed in a trouser suit made of expensive silk, with sun-bleached hair, presumably from her winter vacation off her home island. She was a stark difference from the Oclusian delegate, and she seemed under-worked and relaxed, at least when compared to her...
  18. Kanada

    Music of Eras

    Trusty 208 Made in 1963 from multiple contributions from different soldiers of the Third Sundeonian Company of the Häer vör yy Viirenyt Künigrykja Kanada, which was a paramilitary group that operated in Southern Kanada, with the goal of expelling Malorian soldiers in the region. The 208...
  19. Kanada

    Voting: May 2020 General Election

    Delegate: 1.< Prydania > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Vice Delegate: 1.< Artemis > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Speaker: < Highton > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  20. Kanada

    Craviter Economic Association

    Nation: Empire of Malor-Kanada Admit Korova to the CEA?: <YEA> Admit Saperisole to the CEA?: <YEA>
  21. Kanada

    Citizenship Applications

    Nation: SAA Canada I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand...
  22. Kanada

    Syrixia's Worldbuilding Game

    Describe a book which is important to your nation's history in some way. What is it about, who wrote it, and how is it important? "Jag Ha Møtte de Fiende og Han Er Oss." by Tajeis Fossum, a veteran of the Fascist War. Translated into Mercanti, the title is "We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us,"...
  23. Kanada

    Osana Softworks

  24. Kanada

    Osana Softworks

  25. Kanada


    On a particularly wonderful night in January, a house party was taking place in a large mountainside chalet outside Kalgary. Out the grand windows of the foyer, guests could see the sparkling lights of Kalgary in the distance, a defiant lantern which, at the shore, is sharply snuffed out by the...
  26. Kanada

    The Bergum Pact

    Grace had no problem with the Stan Yera or Korova. Though she did not know as much about Korova as she did the Stan Yera, she saw nothing but benefit in having them both brought into the Bergum Pact. "I will vote in favour of both nations joining."
  27. Kanada

    [December 2019] Royal Wedding [OPEN]

    Being driven straight to the White Palace from her comfortable Astissa villa, Grace stared out of the tinted window at the passing buildings. Despite it being the capital of a close ally and owning a home there, she had only been to Astissa a few times. Even though she had nothing to be nervous...
  28. Kanada

    The Coronation of Maria the Second

    R.S.V.P. Form: Name of official(s) attending: Alva Haaldynen Position of said official(s): Secretary for Foreign Affairs Number of persons accompanying: 2